Lame High School Poetry Page 2
In the distance he sees an ally fall
In the distance he sees someone's hope shatter
He calls upon his friends
To light for him his way
He calls upon his friends
So he does not go astray
This noble paladin
Whose name is known to all
This man of myth
Who will never fall
He sees the faces
Of those who fell before him
He sees their souls
Escape the darkness and turn to the light
He sees the twisted faces
That have fallen by his sword
Their blood runs warm then cold
As they defy the light and embrace the night
People will tell stories of him
as the days speed by
People will speak of the Paladin
who stood alone to fight the night
There are times when tales
become tall instead of true
When the factual story becomes
lost in the folds of time
Yes, in body he stood alone
but not in his heart, mind, and soul
When your friends are with you
you never have to fight alone
I Speak of You
I speak of you
and people listen
I think of you
and my cocoa eyes begin to glisten
I mention you and
they suddenly understand
I say your name
and they know me for the man that I am
People have told me
to stop with this obsession
People have told me
to move on without hesitation
To these people I did not listen
You have inspired me
to write the things I do
These are the reasons that
I speak of you
I Am Free
When the sun rises then dies
When the darkness wakes and then sleeps
there is a change upon this world
A change that is because of her
I am now free
to love in the open
I no longer have to
keep my feelings to myself
Perhaps I can fly now
She has given me the wings
Perhaps I can soar now
She has given me the wind
If I jump I shall not fall
If I leap I will be caught
Nothing can stop love
that's what I've always thought
I no longer fear the lands of False Hope
That my heart and mind created
I am now free to walk where I choose
I am unstoppable, I cannot lose
Let the demons come
they never really existed
Let doubt whisper to me
once again, I will not listen
She holds my heart
and parts of my soul
The joy that I feel is all because of her
and the things that we share
There are things in life
that are meant to be
Why couldn’t I see
The false doubts I had in me?
I have no doubts now
I have no chains
My trial of the heart is over
And I was found guilty
To Stand in Defiance
Windows are broken
glass is on the floor
there is banging at the door
open it, let in the light
Don't give into darkness'
Words were said
none of them were met
Your heart fills with regret
You head towards the abyss
not knowing what's to come
if you go you leave behind the bliss of life's drum
Listen to what they say
listen to your heart
if you fall tonight
you leave behind life's art
There are things that happen
good and bad, but there are reasons,
they mold us, change us
make us who we are
they make us strong
Greater Hands
The star of life
high in the sky
sparkling like
a white tiger's eye
Forever together
Never being stopped
Willing to reach out
and touch what others
will not
Through life
comes friendship
for ever more
not ever with out
ever getting more
I come to you
in your sleep
I come to you
and hold your hand
I sit besides you
though I am not there
I sit besides you
and wait
I look down at you
tears in my eyes
I look down at you
and pray for you to come back
I look down at you
deep into your eyes
I look down in to your soul
I touch it, feel it, try to help it
I kneel besides your bed
Your hand in mine
A gentle squeeze
a soft caress of the cheek
I wish, I pray
I want not for
Greater Hands to
take you away
I stand besides your bed
my sword of myth drawn
I stand keeping a vigil
that shall not end
I stand defiantly pushing
back Greater Hands that
I can not hope to contend
Yet I fight with them as I know
you are too
I sit, kneel, and stand here
fighting the Greater Hands
with you
Speaking of You
An Angel came to
me in the night
nearly blinding me
with her light
She gave thanks to me
and still I know not why
I only dried her tears
as she cried
A Lion too came to me
a beast of hidden beauty
"I don't have a heart" she said
The way to it I lead
She has one of the biggest
hearts I have ever seen
Loyal to the end
A far away friend has
listened to me babble
Understanding every word
always being stable
My CL and I have
been through so much
She is way over there
yet I feel a link
How often have we
been on the brink?
The one who's name
stands for nothing
Has everything at her
figure tips
Is truly someone in and out
Of this I have no doubt
The one who commands
the storm's fury
holds a shield in her hand
I have seen the other side
and know what every one
else is missing
The shield will never
block your light
Celestra, a name that means
"Of the Heavens"
A name that is so true,
only if she as well as others knew
Look to your soul and you may
find what you have been looking for
all this time
The one who holds my heart
I need not say her name
I am glad that she
is a part of my life
A very special light for me
She who hides behind
cape and cowl
A partner in torture
and friendship
The one that
is my "little sis"
one of song and soul
She understands the hope
she feels the faith
Love will come to her
The Old Soul
that has been
through so much
and still is strong,
stronger then she
may ever know
The Unbranded One
the times we have shared
at times when we
should have been in bed
The stories we have told
He calls me Buddy and I
call him Old Friend
The girl who stands
watch over the darkness
Her name hidden from all
that she knows
I keep the secret that
she let me know
A world lies in the things
that she creates
All of the above have
excepted me as I am
All of the above have
changed my life for the better
giving my life meaning and matter
I hope that I have returned
these gifts over ten fold
I hope that am a true friend
to have and to hold
I can never fully repay
all that you have done
I can never say
the appropriate words
to let you know what
you all mean to me
With and without
Visible and not
To grip and grab
To hold and to know
Things are to be touched
felt and known
Hands of the eyes
Hands of the heart
The soul to hold
To feel and touch
Forever feeling
Forever learning
Hating to be alone
Feeling both of love and hate
Happiness and fear
To hold another is the desire
To feel warmth
To feel a gentle grasp
Fingers intertwined, forever
Hand in Hand
Missing You
We are together now
like I wanted to be
But I miss you now
and want you here with me
I miss you in the morning
when I first wake
I miss you when I am asleep
if you have not entered my dreams
I miss you when I stand out in the cold
for only you can heat me the way I need
I miss you when I ride to this place
in the silence that is with me
I miss you when I look at the stars
that try to contend with your eyes
I miss you when I must walk away
for all I want to do is stay
I miss your delicate touch
and your warm smile
I miss your arms
and your eyes
But most importantly,
I simply miss you
Paladin Reborn
Like the mighty Phoenix
that rises from the ashes
He too will rise again
to defend all that is light
He will not be the same
as when he last walked
He will have a new body
and a new name
One of his descendents will
become him
And follow the ways of
the Paladin
This young lad will inherit
his ancestor's sword
And will soon learn the
lessons he must
The trials will be hard
for this young one
As they were for those
who came before him
It is always with regret
that ones of this blood
Slay those who act
in the darkness
The young one will
rise when it is time
And lead all those
who will follow
When the darkness
has come
When the shadows
don't fall
The light of his blade
will be the only light on the land
The way of the warrior will sadly
be the only way to live
Dark can not exist without Light
Death can not exist with out Life
Each needs the other
and that is way he does not fall to the night
He fights to maintain the light
He fights to keep life
The darkness does not know him
Has not touched him in strife
The Treasure
She is my treasure,
this wonderful girl
She is my treasure,
my love, my life
More beautiful then the finest diamond
More precious then gold
More valuable then silver
Rarer then all three
I would fight for
my treasure
Like a dragon would
fight for his hoard
I would give my life
for my treasure
Like no one else would
My treasure is of
flesh and blood
My treasure is of
heart and soul
Now You Must Move On
We came together in the night
having no idea what we would discover
Together we stayed
through that dark period
And now your life says
that you must move on
I will stay behind
and hold the fort for you
When you leave you take
my heart with you
That way we will never
truly be apart
You cried on my shoulders
and I even cried on yours
You knew what I needed
when you saw it in my eyes
And now your life says
that you must mov
e on
I will stay behind
and hold the fort for you
When you leave you take
my heart with you
That way we will never
truly be apart
You held the door for me
as I stepped into a kind of new life
You held your hand out to me
when I was being touched by strife
You saw me for what I am
You took me for what I will become
My Lady of the Sky
My Lady of the Sky
She gave my heart
the wings to fly
As it soars above the clouds
It leaves the hurt and hate behind
Like all things
It moves on in time
But I look at My Lady
and wonder way she cries
Why should she weep
when she has made me fly?
I am not prepared to die
She has given me breath of life
And I bow to her in strength
And I kneel before her in power
I take My Lady's hand
and we fly into the sky
Up above the clouds
beyond what is known
She takes my heart
and gives me a push
Into the star filled heavens
She joins me there
in my dreams and hopes
And whispers that
I am not alone
Odd how things work out
How people meet by what seems like chance.
What would this Knight
do with out his Lady?
He shall never know
nor will he ever want to
Thank you for the wings
My Sky-Lady
The Poet
'Tis all the poet
has written
'Tis all that he
has to say
He thanks you
for reading
And hopes that you will
visit his heart again some day
the life of
a temp is
wild and free
and lived on
the wind
For You Are My Mother
I will always believe
For you are My Mother
I will always dream
For you are My Mother
I will always create
For you are My Mother
I will always love
For you are My Mother
I will never forget
For you are My Mother
I will always learn
For you are my Mother
I will always teach
For you are My Mother
I will never lose
For you are My Mother
I will always have faith
For you are My Mother
I will always help
For you are My Mother
To Live
To Love
To Dream
For you are My Mother
I wrote something
And now it has come back
To haunt me
Like the ghost of death
You misread
What I said
You should know
How I feel
You stopped believing for
Too long
Now my friend
You are gone
Why can’t you
What I said
I was trying to
Protect you
And miss wrote
My thoughts
Now you must
Have doubts about me
Doubts about
what we are
why can’t you
look into my heart
and tell the
feelings apart?
You called me
A dick
It hurt so bad
To feel you mad
What does
A Duke do
And you can’t
He sits
and writes his feelings
and hopes
for the answer
the truth be
known through
the poetry
Shall this be the
Last time I try to protect you
Only to have my
Own throat slit?
Ignore me now
And cause the pain
Until you feel that
I am redeemed
Until I have suffered
And bleed enough
For you to be
Content with my punishment
I have tears
That you could
Not see
Salty with sorrow
You yelled
At me
And I listened
To the razors that you spit
I fell into
The ever dizzying
Pit of disbelief
That you could
Not see
What I had in me
Simple Words on Fishing
He cast his line
Into the water with a
Plop, a flop
A tug on
The line
The feeling divine
The sunfish is now
On the bank
He takes it from
Its hook
Like he saw in a book
And feels the rail
Like scales
On it’s side
The picture is taken
And the fish is set free
By me.
Only You
Alone in a
Room full
Of people and
The bass
Pounds my
Chest and
Racks my
The people dance
Around me
But they are
Almost unseen
I escape into
My own little
I almost
Can’t feel the
Touches of the
People around
My heart
Cries the tears
Of loneliness
From deep within
I try to
Think of other
Things but there
Is only you
Only you
The street lamp cast
My shadow into
A figure that
Stands alone in
The night breathing
The chill air
I am wrapped
In my cloak
Of uneasy silence
I speak not
To them nor
To myself
But scratch
Upon this paper
The happenings of
The night
Wrapped in dark
And chill and
Begging for your
Warmth that
Does not come
Like a dark sentinel
That stands against the light
The River of Death flows
Beyond it, feeds its deep roots
Its gnarled branches
Stretched towards
The heavens to steal
The righteousness of life
Its twisted trunk
Consumed by the
Sap of hatred
Housing the dark creatures of the night
It mocks at me
And challenges my right
To live in harmony
Calmness and peace
I stare it down
And raise my axe of faith
I hack and slash in calmness
And this dark sentinel falls before me
Shall I purify it
With the fire pure?
Nay I will let
It purify it’s self
Pushing its way from
The dirt
Growing away from the
Darkness and hurt
Its father rots beside
Becoming one with
The earth
The son blinks
At the light
And turns away
From his dark roots
I Am the Night Watcher
I am the Night Watcher
I watch over you
As you slumber
I keep the dark from
Blotting out your dreams
I walk the ink black
Of the night hours
I am like the moon that
Is the light at night
I am the Night Watcher
I see you as a nightmare
Takes hold of your heart
I sit besides you
And dry your tears
I sit and watch the night
For those that require my aid
Loneliness is upon me
But I turn to the stars
I am the Night Watcher
You sleep while
I enter my prime
I stand close to you
Acting as your guard
The night surrounds me
Comforts me in dwindling light
Envelope me oh dark sky
Hold me to your star speckled bosom
I am the Night Watcher
I am as silent as
The night breeze
I am as unseen as
A dark shadow
I will watch over you
On this night
When the future comes
I will watch over you then
I am the Night Watcher
Fear not the night
Nor those that walk it
I am one that does
I know the night
I will protect you
I am the Night Watcher
Rise to Dance
Born again of fire
From the coals
And ashes
Smoldering heat
My soul flies
Free to the heavens
To dance with stars
In the chill of the night
The moon is our
Spot light that
Lights the vacant
Dance floor
Just you and
Me together in
The black of the
Night sky
Look to the sky
And watch the dancing
Stars do the tango
And the waltz
Two burning ambers
Hold each other
Close in the night
Spinning into eternity
To Love is
To heat the
Cold of space
And to set the soul free
The deed is
Done and free
And I have another
Five hundred years to play
Return to Pain
So this is what
It feels like to be destroyed
To have your heart shattered for
The second time by the same love
I find no comfort in the night
A mocking vortex of loneliness
Where I once found comfort
And steady peace
Shaky ground has racked
A once sturdy frame
The silhouette against the moon
Is frail and helpless
Rocking in quite timidness
His being shattered from the inside out
The core so baffled so
Full of nothing
His head hangs in his hands
And for the first time his eyes are weary
He does not believe that his legs will support him,
That he will just fall to his knees in the mud
The feeling of having failed coming to him
Pushing him down into the earth
Like a hammer pounding down
At a nail, pushing it into hard wood
From this hole in the ground I
Look up to see that the sky
Shows no stars just the
Black storm clouds that will not bring rain
Like the Deer
She was trapped
Shackled and confused
Bound by cuffs of
Not knowing
She had to be free
She could not be caged anymore
She needed to run
Like the deer
Oh To Be A Monkey
Oh to be a monkey
And swing from tree to tree
To eat bananas
And see from on high
To have my home destroyed
So that cattle can feed
Or so you can have an expensive
Bed to sleep in
I used to have a tree limb
To sleep on, but you took
It away from me
Where will I play?
My food is being taken
Away like my
Children’s future
Do you see me dumping
Waste into a river?
Or making the air I breathe
Turn so dark?
That’s right, dress my
Friends up in silly
Costumes and put them in
Movies to make your mone
Just remember when
It comes time
That we do not destroy
We know not the wraith
Of the atom splitting
And burning into
We will be forced to suffer
Because you can not
Live forever in peace.
Because you destroy your home
Oh to be a monkey
Untold Love Retold
A gem sparkles in a ring
Who knew what happiness it could bring?
Forever wrapped in gold
A story that has already been told
A story of a man
And the love he gave
A story of a man and
The hurt that burns within
He looks deep down
Into the prismatic stone
A radiant glow that mimics
The emotion churning within his soul
And sees nothing but his shattered heart
It is sad but true
A shadow of what he once knew
He stands there in a warm embrace
His soul churning,
Internal storm burning
Tears stinging her soft face
He looks to her now and then
And wonders if and when
Emotions burned by the fire
Not willing to lose what they still have
So instead he hopes and prays
At times venturing into
The world of false hope
It is on the border he stands now
His sword of myth drawn now
He peers across the forsaken land
And puts all of his hopes on love
Praying for divine intervention from above.
Dancing at the Beach
Warm sand beneath our feet
With music
Sweet on the air
And your scent
Lingering close
We dance on the sand
Warm beneath our feet
Little shells
From the sea
Make the dance floor
For you and me
Roses of the colors three
One is you and one is me
The third color may not be known
But it is for the love that we’ve shone
Take my heart red like this rose
Know my love is pure like the petals
if faith is white
and love is red
hope may be pink
we have all four
the petals contain
our story
the stems are
our lives
lead us upon a path
to faith, love and hope
from bottom to top
giving them the life
And what of us?
Shall we wilt in the end?
Our hearts are strong
Our intentions pure
Careful of the thorns
Don’t prick your finger
Don’s stain the white of my faith
The blood of pain can hide in the love
Stand Together
I wanted to run away
I wanted to cry
But I didn’t
I stand by your side
Our insides were torn
Our hearts ripped apart
But we did not give in
We stood side by side
The pain was thick
And we could not see
But I was there for you
And you were there for me
We leaned on each other
As we came to the quick sand of hurt
It tried to suck us down
But we stood together
The sound was deafening
The blare so loud
Our only thought: escape into the crowd
Yet we stood alive with hope
We stood together
Side by side
Leaning on each other
We didn’t run.
Just Because
Just because I miss you
Because I want you to know
That I care
So you will know that I still
Love you
Just because I want
To hold you
And hug you tight
Need to hear your voice
Warm and soft like candle light
Eyes the softness of rainforest
Moss green
Dark hair with a bit
Of red
Loose about your shoulder’s curves
Slender fingers meant
To play
Soft gentle hands
That I want to hold
Creating music
Just because I want to
Just so you would know that I’m here
I wanted to make my feelings clear
I love you
Just because
One Eyed Seal
Be witness to me now
Blessed eye taken from me now
Half a world hidden now
Rally to the Red Wings
One Oath
Two Loves
Three Ages gone
Four Lives reborn
One cause to bind them all together
Stab at the Dark
Slash at the Night
Fight to free this world from Plight
Rally to The Red Wings
Fly to the Light
Soar to the sky
Defend what is right until you die
Fight on for your right to live
Battle for the love you can give
Fear not the death that waits
Rest in the knowledge of coming rebirth
Bodies and Blood stain the earth
Broken steel and shattered stone
Glimpses of the future through battle shone
A reason to fight for everything that you have known
Live and love until Death says it’s your turn
Know that because of your actions Evil will burn
Be strong, be fast, fight to the last
Fight for those that you love, give them peace on the wings of a dove
Come Along
I can't remember the last time I saw the sun set.
But it's a safe bet,
that it's been too long.
So, put on your jacket and come along.
I could really use a walk in the rain
to wash away a little pain.
But I know something that will more then do,
grab your hat and let me walk with you.
What is it about a smile,
that can make everything worth while?
If you’re not happy now, just wait and see.
Tie your shoes and walk with me.
If it's been a rough day and your all alone,
I promise I'll answer my phone.
And when it rings through,
tell me to grab my jacket and walk with you.
r />
Sounds of confusion
flashes of what?
spots of not understanding
noises of when?
people from the past
born again
if you don't like it the first time
go around for another spin
Jill’s Room
Jill’s room is a refuge
during the night time hours
When the nocturnal walk
and the daylight cowers
Slightly messy
just enough to feel like home
A little bit of chaos
and a DVD player that shines like chrome
Reflections on the Blue Eyed Girl
She had blue eyes.
That I could clearly see.
If I had been just a little faster,
she wouldn't have gotten away from me.
Make sure that you move with speed
the next time you see a pretty girl.
She may be what you need,
in the days that follow.
So instead of waiting for the time to be right.
Maybe you should give conversation a try.
Go and talk to the girl with the blue eyes.
She did smile at you, after all.
Digital Warrior
Born for the craft of war
and nursed under the charted stars.
He rose to hunt the terror
and was baptized in the flames of doom.
As an infant he learned how to command
and though his enemies did rise up from the ground,
they did quake at his coming
and were scattered by his wild descent.
Through magma and cannon flak
he fought the renegades with out rest.
Seeking to bring the way of peace
to the land of the empty throne.
He has aged with the empires of old
and walks with brass commemorations on his chest,
for the battles in which he has shown his caliber.
His path puzzled from the mist of time.
And now he stands awaiting the dawn.
He accepts the moment of peace
with his gaze steady on the horizon.
His banner stands ready to fly again.
Never Bend
and though he walks through
the Kingdom of the Dragon
he fears neither Serpent nor Sword
and when his world shook
and when his world shattered
he did not kneel
Where it is just me, and the water.
Trying to crunch numbers.
I won’t have answers anytime soon.
I don’t even understand the questions.
There isn’t a formula for what I am doing.
No way to plug in emotions and thoughts to solve for X.
But still, doing the hard math.
Courting a Jawa
There was something about you
that caught my eye
and when I walked out of your building
I knew I had to try
I played tag with your door
for quite a long time
if I didn't give up
could you be mine?
You hugged me once
then you hugged me twice
I thought that if you were teasing
it sure wasn't very nice
there was a bon fire in there somewhere
where I felt I had to entertain
I dropped my pants at least once
its my inability to dance that I blame
We walked campus late one night
I wanted to kiss you on the concrete
As you lay there, camera in hand
A creepy camper we had the misfortune to meet
You asked me to join you in bed
because you were afraid of the crack
I crawled up next to you
And cuddled until everything went black
We finally kissed the next night
After I wanted to so bad.
I don’t mind telling you,
It was probably the best I ever had.
Forgive me for making this cliché
If it starts to go that way
But you make me happy
On the eeriest of days
Overcome my loathing of undead
To walk through that circle with you
Just hold my hand and stay close
and I will tempt anything you want me too
I told you about the broken man
Being rebuilt from factory parts
But I don’t think you understand
What it means to give a man a new heart
Comforting Friend
You offer me a place to hide
from myself and my life
to channel my tears tide
A place soft and warm
like the summer sun
A place any other man
would have loads of fun
But I can't take advantage of you
I just respect you too much
But if you are ever really lonely, get in touch
I may not be the best looking guy
but I can offer some relief
I may lack your magnificent bosom
But I'll hold you anyway
The Restraining Order is in the Mail
You don’t know me
And I sure don’t know you
So let’s not get too comfortable
Until the background check goes through
I don’t care if you know
That I like leather and I don’t like lace
I’d wear chaps but it’s just not my taste
Get too close and my bodyguard will break your face
You don’t know the problems that I have
They mostly consist of you following me around
Won’t you please find someone else to harass
Stop sending me beef jerky by the pound
So you know I lost my virginity on a trampoline
The question is, how do you know that?
What other things about me do you know?
Get away from me, you smell like old gasoline
Screw you and get away from me
Take the wannabes along
You’re not anywhere that I want to be
Stop asking the size of my schlong
Alright, I’ll meet you for a date
I have to see you in court at any rate
So set your calendar for late May
I hope it’s worth what your lawyer charges for pay
two souls
sharing music
late at night
cold fingers
with which to type
forcing letters to make words
so the conversation goes on
into the night
bed time comes
quicker than we thought
the darkness dwindles
in the east
as the sun begin
s it's slow creep
over the time of talk
breaking apart the solid
neural paths
with a steady ray of sleepiness
until finally
the sleep well, and dream better
Green Energy
Emanate green energy
like a leaf falling up
on the wind.
The way of it spinning
end over end to
balance it on the
back of a hand.
Green of the motherboard
running hot.
Laced with gold
crisscrossed paths.
Fan working over time
to keep it together
so it doesn’t melt and pool
in a green puddle of ooze
Color of calm.
Bringing the peace.
Seeking the peace.
Of woodland dwellers
and puddle hoppers
and tree swingers.
In search of the natural
balance of technology and
base instinct, of life.
What makes it spike?
At what point does the red
seep in and flash across
the surface of the
gentle nature, skimming
the skin of cool living?
When do the red wings flare
from the body of green
to speak that it will not sit idle?
A break from its gentle nature.
The color of earth’s rooted life.
32 million colors in display.
How many of them, a shade
that echoes from inside?
How much of the spectrum
escapes the eyes of mortal man?
And, of those that see it,
can name it?
Energy expended to bring
solace, in a place of upheaval.
Emotional, spiritual, mental.
Energy brought to bare
to cut a swath of green
through the dark part of life.
Green means go
ever forward.
Puddle Jumper
Who is that boy walking in the rain?
And smiling to himself
Doesn’t he know that he is getting wet?
And his clothes are soaking through
See how the drops matte
His hair against his forehead?
He must not have the sense
To come in out of the rain
His feet are nimble as
He hops over the puddles
Looking more like he
Would rather land in them
Weapon of Creation
I have formally dubbed my crotch a Weapon of Creation.
The nations of the world fear it, and rightly so, but they support it.
They have little choice.
It would ravage any that barred its path.
In the name of The Good and The Glory.
It can sense your fear.
it may destroy you, with the knowledge that you have given it.
LO! It's power!
It is a double edge sword.
What it creates in your womb may yet shatter what you were and bath you in light.
So it is written!
It cares not.
It creates what it wishes and where.
I am but the vessel for its awesome power.
No mortal could dream to comprehend that which stirs within me.
Your mind would bend and break at a fraction of its splendor.
Your eyes weep sweet tears and your mouth flood if the thought even flittered across the surface of your gray matter.
You know not the intensity that would befall you as the waves of pleasure broke upon you and swept you under into the caverns
of bliss where you would rule as Queen for two thousand life times.
Not so deep as the hole it would bore into your being.
A carnal cave of writhing life. The sweet incubator of what is to come.
Do not doubt its coming!
For on the horizon it sits, awaiting the dawn!
When the sun reaches it's zenith it shall strike at your core and cleanse the darkest parts of you with purity of being.
You shall be reborn at its whim.
Do you really wish to attract its attention?
To have it's All Seeing Eye upon you?
I can not save you.
It will not spare you.
To Wendy Darling
I found your window open
When more than my shadow needed mending
I came to take you away
During the dying of the day
I gave you a thimble
When I should have given you a kiss
And lured you out
With the